
What is the case of a Rash going b'Sumo?


R. Yonah: After teaching that damage can come from poverty and wealth, the Sefer comes to teach which is better. If an Oni persists in proper Midos, and poverty does not cause him to sin, or make him stumble to honor Resha'im and justify sinners, this is better than wealth, even if he is disgraced and needs people and speaks supplications.


Malbim: Everyone sees his external poverty, but he goes b'Sumo and does not falter from his virtue. His heart is like his mouth. He has inner wealth of the Nefesh.


What is the case of "Ikesh Sefasav v'Hu Chesil"?


R. Yonah: It is an Ashir who contorts his lips and answers brazenly. Since he contorts his lips, he is considered a Kesil even though he did not sin in deed.


Malbim: This is one who is internally a Kesil. Desire rules over him, and despoils him of the wealth of Chachmah. Internally, he is poor. He contorts his lips and hides what is in his heart. His lips distort his inner path, and feign to love Chachmah. It is better to be poor in the body and rich in the Nefesh than oppositely.


Below (28:6), it says "Tov Rash Holech b'Sumo me'Ikesh Derachim v'Hu Ashir." Why does it say here "v'Hu Chesil"?


R. Yonah: This teaches that one who contorts his lips is considered a Kesil, just like one who sins with his hands.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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