
What are the connotations of "La'anos bo Sarah"?


Rashi: It means to testify something that is not correct, that completely removes the witnesses from the testimony 1 - because other witnesses testify that the witnesses were with them in another location and cannot possibly have seen what they claim to have seen. 2


Yerushalmi Makos, 1:7: It refers to a second pair of witnesses, who testify that they were with them in another location. 3


Refer to 19:16:2:1.


Sifsei Chachamim.


See Oznayim la'Torah, DH 'Ki Yakum Eid Chamas' #2 and DH 'Ki Yakum Eid Chamas' #1 who elaborates. Refer also to 19:16:2:1 and see Torah Temimah, note 53.


What are the implications of the word "La'anos bo Sarah"?


Makos, 5a and Yerushalmi Makos, 1:7: It implies that the second pair of witnesses are not coming to contradict the testimony of the first pair, but on the witnesses themselves. 1


Refer to 19:16:1:2 and to 19:18:2.1:2 and see Torah Temimah, note 54,

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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