What are the connotations of "ve'Lo Sachos Einecha"? To whom does it refer?
What are the implications of Nefesh be'Nefesh"?
Makos, 5b: It implies that the witnesses only become Eidim Zomemin if the second pair of witnesses testify after Beis-Din have actually concluded the Din of the Eidim Zomemin. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 86.
What are the connotations of "Ayin be'Ayin, Shen be'Shen ... "?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It means money ('the value of an eye for an eye, of a tooth for a tooth ... '). 1
What are the implications of "Yad be'Yad"?
Bava Kama, 84a: It implies 'Davar he'Nitan mi'Yad le'Yad' - Mamon, to teach us that in all the listed acses, the Eidm Zom'min arre obligated to pay money. 1
We also learn from here that, if the Eidim Zomemin testify that Reuven owes Shimon money, Beiss-Din sentence to pay (because of "Ka'asher Zamam") and not Malkos (because of "Lo Sa'aneh". See Torah Temimah, note 87, citing Kesuvos
How do we know that "Ayin be'Ayin ... " does not mean literally 'an eye for an eye'?