
Here it says "Beis Leva'os v'Sharuchen." Above (15:32) it says "Leva'os v'Shilchim", and in Divrei ha'Yamim (1:4:31) "Beis Bir'i uv'Sha'arayim"!


Malbim: V'Sharuchen is what is in front of the city. Above (15:32) it is called v'Shilchim, like "Shelachayich Pardes Rimonim" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:13), i.e. a Bein ha'Shelachim (irrigated field) in front of the city. Here it is called Sharuchen, for afterwards there were no fields, and it was an adjunct added to the city. When Divrei ha'Yamim was written, there were gates in front of the city, it says Sha'arayim.


Why does it say that there are 13 cities? There are 14!


Radak (2): Be'er Sheva v'Sheva is one city. 1


Ralbag (15:36) says that perhaps one of the 15 cities listed there did not have a wall, and it is not counted. Perhaps the same applies here. 2 (PF)


Malbim: Beis Leva'os v'Sharuchen is one city. Refer to 19:6:1:1.


Malbim: This is difficult. Every Pasuk lists three, and the last verse lists what remains!


Bi'ur ha'Gra (18:28) says oppositely, that big cities without a wall are counted, but not listed.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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