
Why did he say that she should request kingship for him?


Rashi: Once he uses the scepter [or anything] of the king, this is the beginning of kingship.


Malbim: You mentioned that kingship was proper for him, since he is my older brother - if so, request kingship for him!


Why did he mention that Adoniyahu has Evyasar and Yo'av?


Radak based on Targum Yonasan: Shlomo assumed that Yo'av and Evyasar counseled Adoniyahu to request Avishag.


Malbim: You mentioned that kingship was proper for him, since Yisrael turned to him [to be their king], i.e. Evyasar and Yo'av - if so, request kingship for him, for that is what they wanted, and not Avishag!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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