
What are the wood and stone?


Radak: They are idols of wood and stone.


What is the meaning of "Avi"?


Radak: You are my Gadol (whom I respect) and my master.


Malbim: This shows that they do not consider the wood and stone to be mere intermediaries between them and Hashem, like people erred in that generation. Rather, they considered the wood and stone to be their creator, and worship them themselves - "Eleh Elohecha Yisrael" (Shemos 32:8)!


What is the meaning of "Yelidtanu"?


Radak: You formed us. This is like "b'Terem Harim Yuladu" (Tehilim 90:2).


Why did He say "Fanu Elai Oref"?


Radak: All their Avodah us only idolatry. They do not turn to My Avodah at all. Their turning to Me is the back of their necks; it is denial of Me. Hifneh is mentioned with Oref - "Hifneh Oref Mo'av Bosh" (48:39).


Malbim: One who serves wood to be an intermediary between him and Hashem, he faces Hashem, just he puts the idolatry in between. They considered the wood to be a power not dependent on Hashem, and turned their faces from Hashem to the idol.


Whom do they ask for salvation at the time of their affliction?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They deny their error (idolatry), admit to Me and request mercy and salvation.


Radak: When they see that their gods do not save them, they ask Me. This is like Tzidkiyah said "Derash Na Va'adenu Es Hashem Ki Nevuchadretzar Melech Bavel Nilcham Aleinu" (21:2).


Malbim: They ask Hashem only to get salvation, but they do not regret abandoning Him to serve idolatry and resolve to return to serve Hashem.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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