What "Navlusah" will He reveal?
Radak: Her ugliness and her evil deeds will be revealed when I hide My face from her.
Malbim: I will strip her clothes and reveal her lowliness.
Why does it say "l'Einei Me'ahaveha"?
Radak: Therefore, they will not save her.
Radak citing his father: In the eyes of the sun.
Malbim: Even though her lovers (the Ma'arachah) stand by her and want to help her.
What is the Chidush "v'Ish Lo Yatzilenah mi'Yadi"?
Rashi: Even the merit of their fathers ceased.
Radak: No man among her lovers will save her.
Malbim: This will show that there is no power against Hashem. Not only can they not give anything without His will ? they cannot even help to keep the good that she already received!