
What is the grammatical form of "v'Ridefah"?


Rashi: It is Pi'el conjugation


Who are her lovers?


Rashi: Ashur and Egypt.


Radak: The Mazalos, and false Nevi'im.


What is the significance of pursuing her lovers, and not catching them?


Rashi: She cannot request help from them.


Radak: They will not help her, whether her lovers are Ashur and Egypt, or false Nevi'im and those who engage in Mazalos, to ask from them and burn offerings to them.


Malbim: Aside from blocking her from leaving, He will cause that her lovers will distance from her. Initially she will pursue them and not catch them, for they will flee from her.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): Also success based on nature and the Ma'arachah will distance from her and be totally hidden from her; she will not know where it is. The same applies to her help and Bris with the nations around her


What is the meaning of "u'Vikashasam"?


Rashi: She will seek them.


When will she seek to return to her first husband?


Radak: It will be after she suffered a long time in Galus ? "ba'Tzar Lecha u'Mtza'ucha Kol ha'Devarim ha'Eleh b'Acharis ha'Yamim v'Shavta Ad Hashem Elokecha" (Devarim 4:30). Had she said so while still in her land, she would not have been exiled!


Malbim: Even though necessity will force her to return, she will not recognize her sin. Rather, she is like the Zonah mentioned above ? even after her lovers distance from her, she pursues them and does not find them, until in the end she is forced to return to her husband's house. She does not regret her Zenus ? just the contrary, she laments that she must return to her husband's house! She explicitly says that it was better with the Zonim, just now they abandoned me, and I have no other support.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): Also after her success departed, and she found great afflictions, and she was forced to repent, she thought that it is due to the Ma'arachah; Mazal is against her. After she did all strategies and foreign Avodah to pursue her lovers and receive influence of the Ma'arachah for good, and it did not help, she is forced to return to Hashem and take shelter in Hashgachah. She says that this is better only in her current standing, that the Ma'arachah opposes her ? but when the Ma'arachah will change, she is ready to return to her lovers and foreign Avodah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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