
What rocks will scream?


Rashi: The rocks that you stole. Radak ? this is a Mashal. It is so known and revealed that your building is from theft, it is as if the rock in it screams 'I am from theft!'


Malbim: Every rock that you put in the wall of the building of Bavel, it screams "Hoy Boneh Ir b'Damim" (12). You built the city of Bavel via the blood that you spilled.


What is the meaning of "vecha'Fis me'Etz Ya'anenah"?


Rashi: The chip 1 of wood screams together with it.


Radak: The rafter (ceiling beam) screams with it 'also I was stolen!' It is called Rahit and Kafis. It screams me'Etz ? from the wood ceiling in which it is built, just like the rock screams from the wall in which it is built.


Malbim: The wood responds "[Hoy?] Konen Kiryah b'Avlah" (12). Also the completion of the building, after he ceased killing, for he already conquered the entire world, even so it is founded with theft and plunder.


Rashi: So Yonason translates 'v'Shifa Migo Mareisha.' Shifa is a chip, like Shefa'im (Avodah Zarah 49b). Marish is a beam.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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