
What do we learn from "Savata Kalon"?


Radak: You were satiated with disgrace of the kings of nations. You fulfilled your desire to disgrace the honored of the land.


Why does it say "Savata Kalon mi'Kavod"?


Radak: You loved disgrace more than honor.


Malbim: You, Belshatzar, were satiated with a disgrace matter from an honored matter. From the honored Klei ha'Mikdash you were satiated with disgraced wine.


What do we learn from "Savata Kalon mi'Kavod Shese Gam Atah] v'He'arel"?


Shabbos 149b: When Nebuchadnetzar] intended to sodomize Tzidkiyah, his foreskin stretched 300 Amos, the size of the entire assemblage - the Gematri'a of Arel is 300.


Rashi: The Hei in v'He'arel is Hispa'el conjugation, "He'asef El Amecha" (Devarim 32:50). Also here, He'arel ? be sealed with desolation and befuddlement. Orlah is always an expression of being sealed ? "Arelah Aznam" (Yirmeyahu 6:10), "v'Arlei Vasar" (Yechezkel 44:7).


Targum Yonasan: Be naked. Rashi - He'arel is an expression of "Erom v'Eryah" (Yechezkel 16:7).


Radak: Also you will drink, like them. You will be disgraced in the eyes of all. The same cup of disgrace that you made others drink, also you will drink it. Nebuchadnetzar was disgraced in his lifetime, when he was separated from people and lived among Chayos, and after his death, when he was removed from his grave. Your Orlah will be seen, just like you used to give to kings to drink to get them drunk, so their Orlah would be seen.


Radak, according to the Mashal: V'He'arel is like Kos Tar'elah (a cup of poison; the letters are re-arranged) ? "Tisov Alecha Kos Yemin Hashem" Kos Tar'elah. You brought [the cup] around to all nations, to make them drink ? the cup will return to you, to drink it, like it says "Kach Es Kos ha'Yayin ha'Chemah" (Yirmeyahu 25:15).


Malbim: One who drank wine from the Kelim intended to disgrace them. Drinking wine is a greater disgrace than drinking water, like I explained "Ishtiv Chamra" (Daniel 5:4). Therefore, also you drink, v'He'arel ? drink Kos Tar'elah that Hashem will make you drink.


What is the significance of "Tisov Alecha Kos Yemin Hashem"?


Malbim: The cup will return to you via Hashem's right hand ? the right hand of the angel that wrote on the wall above the king "Mene Mene Tekel u'Farsin" (Daniel 5:25).


What is the meaning of "v'Kikalon Al Kevodecha"?


Radak: Kikalon will come to you on your honor. The word Kikalon is a compound of Ki (vomit) and Kalon (disgrace).It mentions Ki, for it mentioned inebriety, and a drunkard vomits ? "k'Hita'os Shikor b'Ki'o" (Yeshayah 19:14).


Malbim: In place of you drinking disgrace from Hashem's honor and Klei ha'Mikdash, Ki and Kalon (vomit and disgrace) will come on your honor.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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