
What do we learn from "Ki Od Chazon la'Mo'ed"?


Rashi: In the future, a Navi will reveal the time of Bavel's fall and Yisrael's redemption.


Radak (2-3): The time was not revealed. [Fulfillment of] this answer will not be now, rather, in a time that He designated. Payment for the evil that [Nebuchadnetzar] did to Yisrael was not paid to him himself, for kingship was already given to him, his son and grandson. Hashem took payment from his grandson Belshatzar, in the episode in which he was haughty over Hashem; he and all his household, big and small, drank from the Kelim of the Beis ha'Mikdash. "Be b'Laylya Ketil Belshatzar Malka Kasda'ah" (Daniel 5:30). The Kasdim were killed and Bavel was destroyed via Koresh and Daryavesh. The Tzadikim among them (Yisrael) were saved, and Koresh announced that they will return to their land.


Malbim: Hashem told him that He will not reveal to him the time when Bavel will fall. Yirmeyahu is designated for that vision. It will be after 70 years, in Belshatzar's third year.


Why does it say "v'Yafe'ach la'Ketz"?


Rashi: Hashem will tell him that Bavel will fall after 70 years. "V'Yafe'ach" is an expression of speech; this is common in Sefer Mishlei. Since speech is Ru'ach that comes out of the Peh (mouth), it is called Pi'ach, and it is called Ru'ach ? "uv'Ru'ach Piv Kol Tzeva'am" (Tehilim 33:6).


Radak: This vision is not for now, rather, for the future deadline ? 70 years after Churban Yerushalayim.


Malbim: The time of Bavel's fall is not the Ketz of wonders. It is merely Pekidah; after redemption from Bavel, Yisrael will be exiled again. A Navi will come and prophesize about the Ketz that will not be Mechazev (cease). Mo'ed is Mechazev ? there is another Galus after it, but not after the Ketz. Daniel will speak about this permanent salvation.


What is the meaning of "v'Lo Yechazev"?


Radak: This is like "Lo Yechazevu Meimav" (Yeshayah 58:11) ? in any case it will be.


Malbim: Refer to 2:3:2:3.


Why does it say "Im Yismahmah Chake Lo"?


Rashi #1: If it will delay coming, that Hashem will lengthen [Bavel's success] until the time, wait for it ? it will not delay past 70 [years] at all.


Rashi #2: If the Navi, Yirmeyahu, who will reveal the time of Bavel's fall, will delay coming, wait for him.


Radak: If the deadline will delay, wait for it. This addresses people exiled from Yerushalayim who lived until they returned from Galus Bavel.


Malbim: Even if the final Ketz delays, wait for it; it will come and not be late.


Why does it add "Lo Ye'acher"?


Radak, Targum Yonasan: It will not be later than its fixed time. It will come on its day!


Radak citing his father: Lo Yasuf, i.e. it will not transpire that it will not be. This is like "Lo Yasuf mi'Zar'am" (Esther 9:28).


Malbim: Me'acher is after a fixed, bounded time. Even if it is 1000 years, even though it is Mismahme'ah (delays), when the designated time comes, it will not be late. There are two times for the final redemption ? if they merit, "Achishenah" (Yeshayah 60:22 ? I will bring it early); if they do not merit, "b'Itah" (in its time) (Sanhedrin 98a).

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