
What are "Tzedek u'Mishpat"?


Malbim: Aside from the influence of Chachmah, Binah and Da'as Elokim, he will understand also Tzedek and Mishpat, i.e. conduct Bein Adam l'Chavero. Mishpat is letter of the law; Tzedek is beyond the letter of the law.


What are "Meisharim"?


Malbim: It is what straightness obligates. It includes two matters. (a) The straight middle path, which is always good. (b) The roundabout path - sometimes one must depart from the straight path, e.g. to be cruel and haughty against Resha'im. It is not always good. These Midos are intrinsically bad, just sometimes they are good, if via them he will get to the straight path. Therefore, it says "Kol Ma'agal Tov."

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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