
What is "Moda"?


Rashi: It is a relative - Elimelech's nephew. Elimelech, Salmon (Bo'az' father), Ploni Almoni and Na'ami's father were all sons of Nachshon ben Aminadav 1 (Bava Basra 91a).


Malbim: It is a close, beloved relative - not a distant brother. Even though Na'ami's relative was rich, she did not ask him to feed her. She preferred that her daughter-in-law take Matanos Aniyim, 'gifts from Hashem.' It would be shameful to reveal to him her poverty, for he knew her when she was rich. Also, she hoped that he would redeem the field and Rus.


Nachshon died in the Midbar (he did not enter Eretz Yisrael. Also, Kalev became Nasi of Yehudah in the Midbar (Bamidbar 34:19) - Nachshon would not be demoted in his lifetime)! Seder Olam Rabah 12 says that he died in the second year after Yetzi'as Mitzrayim. If so, Elimelech and Ploni Almoni lived over 340 years (for Gid'on, before Ivtzan (Bo'az), was 300 years after Yisrael defeated Sichon! - PF)


What is "Ish Gibor Chayil"?


Malbim: This includes all good Midos, including generosity. Had Na'ami requested, surely he would have fed her!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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