
Why is there no Dagesh in the Hei in "Lah"?


Pesikta Zutresa: (This detracts.) He told her, Heaven forbid - you are not a Shifchah, rather, a mistress!


What is the significance of "Goshi Halom"?


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 113b: He hinted to her that Malchus Beis David will descend from her, like it says "ha'Melech David


Why did he mention "Lechem" and "Pas"?


Malbim: Lechem is a full loaf. Pas is cut into small pieces. He gave to her a whole loaf, that it will be hers (she took the remainder home). He told her to eat from the entire bread; what she will cut off to eat at this meal, she should immerse it in vinegar.


What do we learn from "v'Tavalt Pitech ba'Chometz"?


Rashi citing Shabbos 113b #1: This teaches that vinegar is good in hot weather.


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 113b #2: He hinted to her that someone will descend from her whose deeds are as bitter as vinegar, i.e. Menasheh.


What is the significance of "va'Teshev mi'Tzad ha'Kotzrim"?


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 113b: To the side, but not amidst the harvesters. He hinted to her 1 that Malchus Beis David will split. (Yarov'om will receive 10 tribes.)


Alshich, Malbim: He told her to sit by him; she did not. Alshich - she saw that this is not proper. However, she was concerned for his concern (that she not sit by the harvesters), and did not sit b'Tzad (at their side), rather, "mi'Tzad" (distanced somewhat).


Even though va'Teshev is not a command, rather, it means that she sat there, the Gemara assumes that she sat where he showed (or made room) for her to sit.


What is the meaning of "va'Yitzbat"?


Rashi: He extended. There is nothing like this in Tanach. However, we find a Mishnah 'the back, inside and Beis ha'Tzevitah (handle)' (Chagigah 3:1).


Why did he give to her parched grain?


Alshich: He feared lest the harvesters come to dip with her, or slice from her bread. Therefore, he gave to her a different food, which one does not dip, and a minimal amount, so the harvesters would realize that they should not take from her.


Malbim: It was for pleasure.


What is the significance of "va'Tochal va'Tisba va'Tosar"?


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 113b #1: "Va'Tochal" in the days of David, "va'Tisba" in the days of Shlomo, and "va'Tosar" - in the days of Chizkiyah. (Rashi - this refers to the Malchus that will come from her. Maharsha - it refers to herself 1 .)


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 113b #2: "Va'Tochal" in the days of David and Shlomo, "va'Tisba" in the days of Chizkiyah, "and va'Tosar" in the days of Rebbi. The one appointed over Rebbi's horses and mules was richer than Shevor Malka (the Persian king).


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 113b #3: "Va'Tochal" in this world, "va'Tisba" - in Yemos ha'Mashi'ach and "va'Tosar" in the world to come.


Malbim: He gave to her in abundance, so there was more than needed for satiation.


Bava Basra 91b: "va;Yasem Kisei l'Em ha'Melech" (Melachim I, 2:19) teaches that she saw the kingship of Shlomo, he great great grandson. (Do not infer that she did not see the kingship of Chizkiyah, 14 generations after Shlomo. The Gemara teaches what we learn from the verse.)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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