
What is the meaning of "Gam b'Ma'alalav Yisnaker Na'ar"?


R. Yonah: "Yisnaker" is like "va'Yisnaker Aleihem" (Bereishis 42:7). Recognition is always a Hif'il or Nif'al conjugation. Hisnakrus is hiding recognition; it is Hispa'el conjugation. See how great is the power of the heart and fixing Midos for a Chacham, to guard him from stumbling in deeds. One with a clear heart and straight deeds when he matures - for the power of desire in him was drawn after the Nefesh of Chachmah, and it heeds its voice - also in his youth, [immaturity of] youth was not seen in his deeds or motions. Youths normally conduct with jesting, Simchah and refusal to bear the yoke. Also the powers of the Kelim of Sechel are complete in the days of youth, until he approaches the days of maturity. The little Sechel that he had, he conducted it in a straight path and blocked him from the ways of youth. This is due to the clarity of the power that desires; it heeds the Nefesh of Chachmah and leans to follow it. A little Sechel, when the power that desires is drawn after it to straighten deeds, is better than an influence of Sechel when the power that desires veers from [Sechel] and is not submissive to it. Desire closes the eyes of Sechel, to the point that he does not open his eyes to see the bad path on which he stands, when desire entices him to go on it. This is taught after "Zikisi Libi", to praise clarity of heart for fixing Midos.


Malbim: Ma'alalim are actions that depend on natures of the Nefesh, e.g. actions that sprout from natures of pride or humility. If you see an act or affair of a youth, and you do not recognize how he did it, and you want to know how he will be in the future, look at his natures and Midos. E.g. Moshe killed the Egyptian, and said "why will you strike your colleague?" (Shemos 2:3). It was not known yet if he did so amidst love of Tzedek and straightness, or based on natures of vengeance, pride

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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