What is the meaning of "Dimu"?
Rashi: They intended.
How did he persuade them to kill the sinners?
Malbim (4, 5): (a) The episode is like that of Sedom - in both cases, guests came to lodge, and the people demanded to molest them. This is a disgrace for Yisrael! (b) "Va'Yakumu Alai" - I had no previous involvement with them. (c) Ba'alei Giv'ah - it was not individuals, rather, the esteemed and the leaders, and in public. (d) They surrounded the house, just like in Sedom. (e) They intended to kill me - I surely would have died had they all sodomized me. My Pilegesh died from the Bi'os, even though it is normal for a woman! (f) They afflicted my Pilegesh - she was a married woman. (g) I needed to give her to save myself, and they took her Bal Korchah (against her will).