Why did Avraham rebuke Avimelech?
Peninim mi'Shulchan ha'Gra: Rebuke leads to peace. After this, they made a Bris. Yitzchak also later rebuked Avimelech and his entourage, and afterwards they left b'Shalom (Bereishis 26: 27-31).
Rashi writes: "'v'Hochiach' - He remonstrated (Nisvakach) with Avimelech." Why not translate simply as 'rebuke' (Tochacha)?
Gur Aryeh #1: It would not be respectful to the monarchy to rebuke the king himself.
Gur Aryeh #2: Rebuke is possible only to the person who committed the crime, and this theft had been carried out by the servants, not by Avimelech himself. Rather, when Avimelech asked Avraham to show kindness to his descendants, Avraham took the opportunity to protest the injustice that had been committed by other members of Avimelech's household.