
What is the meaning of "His'achadi Heimini Hasimi Hasmili"?


Rashi: Go to one place ? to the right or left.


Radak #1: Hasmili is based on Smol; the Aleph is omitted, for it is not from the root. It is merely to extend [the Cholem] He tells the sword to stay in one corner, for it is not recognized to where it is heading ? to the right, to Yerushalayim, or to the left, to Bavel. Hasimi is to head north; Hasmili (go to the left) to there.


Radak #2: Hasmili is to go to Bnei Amon, like it says below "Rabas Bnei Amon v'Es Yehudah" (25).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Come out and kill from the south, and destroy from the north, to where you face.


Malbim: This begins to illustrate the coming of the sword against Yerushalayim. When Melech Bavel went out, he stood at the crossroads. He was unsure if he should go to Bnei Amon to the left, or to the right, to Yerushalayim (26). He told the sword to choose the direction to which he will go. His'achadi is to unify all your camps to go to the right (Yerushalayim), or to the left to Bnei Amon.


Why does it say "[Anah Panayich] Mu'ados"?


Rashi: [To where are you] summonsed (headed)?


Malbim: You are unsure ? you do not know in which direction to head.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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