What anger will He pour?
Malbim: The anger of punishment for sin.
What is "Afi'ach"?
Rashi: It is an expression of fanning a fire with a bellows. Radak ? this is like "Nofe'ach b'Esh Pecham" (Yeshayah 54:16), even though they are two roots. Also below it says "v'Nafachti Aleichem b'Esh Evrasi" (22:21). I will ignite the fire of My anger against you., just like people fan a fire to make it burn 1 . Yonason translates like this.
Malbim: This will eradicate the Klal of the nation.
What kind of people are "Anashim Bo'arim"?
Rashi: They are foolish smiths. They conduct with lunacy, to wound and destroy.
Radak and Mesorah, #1: They are Kesilim and hasty, who will be killed suddenly. This is like "Binu Bo'arim ba'Am" (Tehilim 94:8).
Radak and Mesorah, #2: They burn and eradicate. This is like "k'Esh Tiv'ar Ya'ar" (Tehilim 83:15)..
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They are Resha'im.
Why are they called "Charashei Mashchis"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They are professional murderers.
Rashi: They are professional destroyers. They will come to sharpen you and polish you, like of old, and will destroy you. Radak ? Mashchis is a noun, like Hashchasah.