
?Vayishlach Moshe Le'ragel es Ya?azer?. Where was Ya'azer?


Rashi (in 32:3): It [and the other towns mentioned there] was part of the territory of Sichon and Og. 1


Since they had already captured Sichon's land, presumably, it belonged to Og. Perhaps that is why the next Pasuk says that Og came to attack Yisrael! (PF)


Who captured its surrounding villages and drove out the Emori who lived in them?


Rashi, Seforno and Targum Yonasan: The spies (Calev and Pinchas - Targum Yonasan) drove them out of the surrounding villages single-handedly 1 ("va'Yoresh es ha'Emori asher bah" - 'and Moshe subsequently drove the inhabitants out of Ya'azer itself - Seforno).


Rashi: They avoided making the same mistake as the first set of spies, and relied on Moshe's Tefilos.


?Vayoresh es ha?Emori ? ?. Why is ?Vayoresh? written Chaser (without a ?Vav?)?


Ba?al ha?Turim: Because the Emori fled of their own accord and Yisrael did not need to ?dispossess? them, only to ?inherit? it.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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