
"Avraham returned to his 'youths.'" Where was Yitzchak?


Targum Yonasan: Angels came and whisked Yitzchak off to the Yeshivah of the great Shem (and Ever), where he studied for three years.


Da'as Zekenim: Avraham sent him away at night, due to concern for Ayin ha'Ra. Some say that Chananyah, Misha'el and Azaryah died due to Ayin ha'Ra [after their great Kidush HaSh-m].


Why did Avraham go to Be'er Sheva, seeing as he currently resided in Chevron?*


Rashi: He only went there temporarily, not to stay. 1


The Ramban (to Bereishis 34:2) explains that he went there to thank HaSh-m for the successful outcome of the Akeidah. Perhaps he went there, for Be'er-Sheva (which was where the foot of Yaakov's ladder was placed), was a special location for Tefilah (EC. See R. Bechayei to Bereishis 28:10 and to Bereishis 46:1). Refer also to 21:33:1; refer to 21:33:2.


Why does it say that Avraham and his youths went together?


Mishnas R. Aharon (Vol. 1, p. 73): Avraham did not feel any change. He did not credit himself.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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