What is the significance of the 'Vav' in "ve'Chi Yish'al"?
What are the implications of "ne'Im Re'ehu"?
Bava Metzi'a, 96a: "me'Im Re'ehu", 've'Lo Re'ehu Imo' - to exempt the Shomer if the owner is in his employ. 1 Refer to 22:14:1***.
Mechilta: It implies that the Shomer only adopts liability once he takes the article out of the owner's domain. 2
What is the Din of a Sho'el regarding Geneivah va'Aveidah?
Bava Metzi'a, 95a: He is Chayav with a Kal va'Chomer from a Shomer Sachar, who is Patur from Onsin but Chayav for Geneivah va'Aveidah. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 150 & 151.
What is the word "O" coming to include?
Bava Metzi'a, 94b: It includes 'Shevuyah' (captured) - to teach us that a Sho'el is liable for everything (even unforseen Onsin). 1
Bava Metzi'a 95b: It comes t divide - to teach us that a Sho'el is Chayav even for Shevurah alone and for Meisah alone. 2
Torah Temimah: Because, as opposed to the other Shomrim, he gains everything - inasmuch as he is permitted to use it, and loses nothing - since he does not pay for using the article.
Bava Metzi'a, Ibid.: Otherwise we would have thought that one is only Chayav if the animal 'breaks' and dies. See Torah Temimah, note 149.
Since (in the next Pasuk) the Torah writes "Im Be'alav Imo, Lo Yeshalem", why does it need to write here "Be'alav Ein Imo, Shalem Yeshalem"?
Bava Metzi'a, 95b: To teach us that, although the owner does not need to be in the employ of the Sho'el when the Oneis occurs - since he was in his employ when the loan occured, he does need to be with him when the loan takes place, and the fact that he is in his employ when the Oneis occurs will not suffice to exempt him from liability. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 152 & 153.