
How will we reconcile this Pasuk with the Halachah permitting Nochrim to bring Ba'alei-Mumin, as long as no limb is missing?


Rashi: The Halachah is referring to offering a Ba'al-Mum on a Bamah, whereas this Pasuk forbids bringing it on the Mizbe'ach.


Moshav Zekenim (citing Sifra): This Pasuk forbids accepting Shekalim (used to buy Korbanos Tzibur) from Nochrim. 1


See Torah Temimah, citing the Sifra and note 157.


Why does the Torah see fit to specifically incorporate the Kodshim of Nochrim in the Din of Ba'al-Mum?


Temurah, 7a: Because we would otherwise have thought that as long as no limb is missing, their Korban is permitted ? just as it is permitted on a Bamah. 1


Refer to 22:25:1:1.


What are the implications of the words "mi'Kol Eileh"? What is it coming to preclude?


Sotah, 46a: It precludes an animal with which Melachah was performed ? even after it was declared Hekdesh 1 - from the prohibition.


Yerushalmi Avodah Zarah, 2:1: It implies that one may accept Temimim from Nochrim and bring them on the Mizbe'ach. 2


Refer to 22:22:3:1 and see Torah Temimah, note 158.


And does not need to suspect bestiality. See Torah Temimah, note 159.


What are the connotations of the phrase "ki Moshchasam bahem"?


Seforno: To explain why one may not accept even castrated animals of Nochrim 1 - because 'Sirus' detracts from the perfection of the animal, which Hashem created with the intention of procreating. 2


Sifra: Wherever the Torah the term 'Hashchasah', it denotes adultery and Avodah Zarah. 3 Consequently, in the current Parshah wherever a Mum renders the Korban Pasul, so do Ervah ? Rove'a and Nirva (one that raped a human or that was raped by a human) and Avodah Zarah ? Muktzah and Ne'evad (an animal that was designated for Avodah Zarah and one that was actually worshipped).


Seforno: Even though 'Sirus' is a hidden blemish, and the reason of "Hakrivehu Na le'Fechasecha" does not apply to them.


Despite the fact that Sirus improves the quality of the animal. Refer to 22:24: 2.1:1.


See Torah Temimah for sources..


Why does the Torah add the words "Mum bam"?


Yoma, 84a: To teach us that a passing blemish disqualifies the animal only as long as it exists, but once it has healed, the animal is permitted,.


What are the connotations of "Lo Yeratzu lachem"?


Rashi: It means 'They will not be accepted to atone for you'.


Targum Onkelos and Targum YOnasan: It means 'They will not be accepted on your behalf'.


Bearing in mind that the Pasuk is referring to the Korban of a Nochri, why does it write "Lo Yeratzu Lachem" and not 'Lo Yeratzu lo'?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because it is is referring to the Nesachim which accompany the Nochri's Korban and which come out of public funds, and which we would have therefore thought would atone for the Tzibur ? seeing as it is possible to bring Nesachim independently. 1


See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates and who presents an alternative explanation.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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