
What should Bil?am have answered?


Rashi #2 (in Koheles, 10:12): He is one of three people whom Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu tested and found them to be 'a dirty bedpan'; 1 He should have answered 'Hashem Elokim, You know who they are!' 2 - but he answered conceitedly. 3


Da'as Zekenim (citing a Midrash): The other two are Kayin, who should have given a similar answer when Hashem asked 'him where is Hevel your bother?', and Chizkiyah, when Yeshayah asked him 'from where did the people come to you?' It seems that it should rather have said that the third was Adam, when Hashem asked him where he was, since Chizkiyah spoke to a Navi and Nevi'im do not know everything!


Rashi (Ibid.) Like Yechezkel did in Yechezkel, 37:3, when he said ? 'Hashem, You know [whether or not these bones will live]!'


Refer to 22:10:1:1.


Why did Bil'am see fit to mention the fact that Balak was the king of Mo'av?


Rashi: He was hinting that, although he was not important in Hashem's Eyes, he was important in the eyes of kings, and that there were many who sought him.



Rashi writes that Bil'am hinted although he was not important in Hashem's Eyes, he was important in the eyes of kings. But this is lunacy! What is a mortal king compared to Hashem?! Would one tell his friend that although he does not hold him in esteem, the cat does?


Zichron Tzvi (cited in Lev Eliyahu Sh'mos p.276): To say this to Hashem shows how the Midos of pride and seeking honor can make a person a lunatic.


Hagahah (in Lev Eliyahu Sh'mos p.276): Bil'am did not intend to hint this to Hashem; 1 the Pasuk reveals what was in his heart. 2


Though it is not clear as to why thinking it is less lunacy than saying it. Less Chutzpah, yes, but why less lunacy.


Hagahah, citing R. Y. L. Chasman: Similarly, when Hashem asked Shlomo what he wants, and he requested Chochmah, why was Hashem so impressed? Obviously this is more important than long life, wealth and victory in war! Hashem did not talk with Shlomo; rather, He saw in his heart that he valued Chochmah, and that other things were not important to him.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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