
Why does it say "Lachen"?


Radak, Malbim: Since you did not supervise what they are doing, if it is good or bad, and you should have known that it is sinful - they are cast to sin and exiled. For not supervising them, I will visit on you the evil of their deeds.


What is the meaning of "Hafitzosem Es Tzoni va'Tadichum"?


Malbim: Through you, a man was separated from his brother, and you cast them from their place to exile.


What is the meaning of "Lo Fekadtem"?


Rashi: You were not careful to guard them.


Malbim: You did not prevent loss of them via evil beasts. I.e. through you, they were divided into factions, and afterwards went to exile and were killed in wars.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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