What will result from arousing your lovers against you?
Malbim: When I will arouse the Kasdim to fight you, they will not go like haters to destroy the land, rather, like lovers, who seek love. They go only because you uprooted [your love] from them, and they seek to return you to love them. Initially Nebuchadnetzar went to force Tzidkiyah to make Shalom with him, and not persist in his rebellion. Had he made Shalom, Nebuchadnetzar would not have destroyed the city and Mikdash, like it says in Yirmeyah (Perakim 21, 38).
Who are "Me'ahavayich"?
Rashi: They are the Kasdim, who were pleasant to Chizkiyah.
Radak: They were initially your lovers.
What is the meaning of "Nak'ah Nafshech Mehem"?
Rashi: Tzidkiyah returned to hate them, and rebelled against them.
Radak: You rebelled against them [and uprooted yourself from them]. The root of Nak'ah is Ka'a (with two Ayin's); its grammatical form is like "v'Rachavah v'Nasevah" (41:7). Or, its root is Naka.
Malbim: You uprooted your love from them.
What do we learn from "v'Haveisim Alecha mi'Saviv"?
Malbim: Refer to 23:22:1:1.