
Whom did she hate?


Rashi: The Kasdim ? she rebelled against them.


Malbim: It said "I will arouse your lovers against you" (22). When they were aroused to come upon Yerushalayim, it was amidst love, so Yisrael will return to be in a Bris with them. It was not proper that they do all these [harsh punishments]! However, when I will give you into their hands, and they will conquer the city, you will be in the hand of the one that you hated. Then will be kindled in their hearts hatred that you uprooted from them, and they will act like enemies and afflicters.


Why does it add "b'Yad Asher Nak'ah Nafshech Mehem"?


Radak: The matter is repeated to strengthen it.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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