
Why is there Simchah for your father and mother, and Gil for Yoladtecha?


R. Yonah: Yoladtecha is the one who raised you. This is like "Yuledu Al Birkei Yosef" (Bereishis 50:23). The father and mother have Simchah, which is greater than Gil.


Malbim: This is if you rule over your Ru'ach with Chachmah and Musar, to the point that he is Chacham Lev. Chachmah will rule in his heart and become second nature. Images of desire, which veer him from Chachmah, will not rule over him, nor the doubts and folly of those who question the laws of Chachmah. Via hearing Musar and constantly conducting according to Chachmah, the parents and those who raised him rejoice that they accustomed him to this. Also the Yoledes has a new Gil for his constant [proper] choice and power that rules in him, in addition to the Simchah over preparing his nature.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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