
What are the implications of "la'Nochri Sashich"?


Rashi (citing Bava Metzi'a 70b): It comes to instigate a La'av that stems from an Asei 1 - you may charge Ribis to a Nochri, but not to your brother! 2


Ramban: It implies that one may take Ribis from a Nochri. 3


Seforno: It teaches us that, having agreed to give the Nochri Ribis, one should keep one's word.


Rambam (Hilchos Malveh 5:1): It is a Mitzvah to take Ribis from a Nochri. 4


Rashi: Which is an Asei - placing on someone who transgresses two La'avin and an Asei. See Sifsei Chachamim.


Ramban: Because it is otherwise superfluous, since the Torah has already written "Lo Sashich l'Achicha."


In spite of the fact that "Lo Sashich" is referring to the debtor- Refer to 23:20:1:1. (This implies that it is not a Mitzvah to take Ribis from a Nochri. ? PF)


Mizrachi: This is the opinion of the Sifri (263), as opposed to the Gemara in Bava Metzi'a 70b. The Ra'avad however, maintins that also the Sifri concurs with the Gemara and that it is merely an Asei not to take Ribis from a Yisrael. See Torah Temimah, note 108, who elaborates.


Bearing in mind that stealing from a Nochri is prohibited (See Bava Kama, 113b), why is taking Ribis from him permitted?


Ramban: Because, unlike stealing, Ribis is given with the consent of both parties, and the Torah only forbids it because lending to one's Jewish brother is a Chesed, 1 which is not the case by a Nochri. 2


Ramban: Based on the Pasuk in Vayikra 19:18 "Ve'ahavta le'Re'acha Kamocha," and as the Pasuk indicates in 15:9. Refer also to 23:20:1:1.


Ramban: And it is for the same reason that one is permitted to claim one's debt from a Nochri after the Shemitah - See 15:3.


Why does the Torah repeat "u'le'Achicha Lo Sashich!"?


Seforno: To forbid giving him Ribis even if one made an agreement to do so. 1


Refer to 23:21:1:3.


What is the significance of the words "be'Chol Mishlach Yadcha al ha'Aretz ... "?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because the Torah mentioned "Neshech Kesef" and "Neshech Ochel", and one normally borrows money to enter into a business venture and food when one's harvest failed. Therefore Hashem rewards the creditor 'Midah ke'Neged Midah'.


Why does the Torah bestow a Berachah upon someone who lends without Ribis?


Ramban: Because lending without Ribis is an act of Chesed, 1 which results in a Divine blessing.


Seforno: The Berachah refers to the first issue in the Pasuk - a person who keeps his word and pays his Nochri creditor the Ribis that he agreed upon, and the Berachah comes for avoiding creating a Chilul Hashem.


Refer to 23:21:2:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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