Who is this Pasuk referring to?
Rashi: It is referring to a laborer (who is harvesting the corn). 1
Yerushalmi Ma'asros, 2:4: As implied by "ve'Chermesh Lo Sanif al Kamas Re'echa" - which only a laberer has permission to do.
What is the definition of Melilos"?
Rashi #1 (Shabbos, 19a): 'Ears of grain that are not quite ripe'.
Rashi #2 (Shabbos, 19a): 'The top ears of grain on the stalk that one rolls in one's hand'.
Targum Yonasan: It is synonymous with 'Carmel' - parched ears of corn.
What is the significance of the sickel?
Refer to 23:26:1:1 and note.
What are the implications of the word "Vekatafta Melilos be'Yadecha"?
Sifri: It is a prohibition against cutting what one wants to eat with a sickle (a 'Magal'). 1
Presumably it refers even to a Magal-Yad (a small sickle), whereas "Chermesh" is a Magal- Katzir.
Why does the Torah insert the word "be'Yadecha"?
Sifri: To forbid cutting the corn with a sickle. 1
Bava Metzi'a, 87b: To teach us that it is only when cutting the corn (which is the G'mar Melachah) that the laborer is allowed to eat.
Presumably, this adds an Asei on to the Lo Sa'aseh "ve'Chermsh Lo Sanif ... ", and the Chachamim changed from "Chermesh" to 'Magal' because the Lashon of the Chachamim sometimes differs from that of the Torah.
What are the connotations of "ve'Chermesh Lo Sanif al Kamas Re'echa"?
Refer to 23:26:1:1*.
Bava Metzi'a, 87b: To teach us that it is only when cutting the corn (which is the final Melachah) 1 that the laborer is allowed to eat.
See Torah Temimah, note 153.
What is the Din regarding food that is picked by hand and not harvested?