
What are the connotations of the word "Vayavrech" in connection with Avraham's camels?


Rashbam: Camels have two sets of knees, 1 and, due to their height, one needs to kneel them twice before they are able to drink. 2


Rashbam: As the Gemara indicates in Chulin 76a.


It is not clear however, what alternative word the Torah would have used if they would have had only one set of knees?


What was the point in preparing the camels to drink, bearing in mind that as yet, there was nobody to water them?


Oznayim la'Torah: He prepared them in advance so as to cut down the time they would have to wait when someone arrived to water them, in order to minimize their pain.


He had Bitachon that, the moment he finished his short Tefilah, the girl he was waiting for would arrive to fulfill his request.


Why does the Torah mention the fact that the well was outside the town?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because he wanted to pray a special Tefilah, something that he could not have done in Charan, which was full of idols. 1


Malbim: Eliezer reasoned that one who would send his daughter outside the city to draw water, would not hesitate to send her to another land.


Oznayim la'Torah: Refer to Shemos 9:29:1:1.


What is the significance of the fact the girls would come out to draw water towards evening?


Oznayim la'Torah: People who lived in the Middle-East would make a point of always having a stock of cold water to counter the heat of the sun. To achieve this, they would draw water from the well towards evening, when the water from the underground streams is the coldest. 1


Malbim: Eliezer sought a poor girl, for she would be more likely to consent to go with a slave to another land, to marry a rich, distinguished man. Only a poor man would send his daughter to draw water (rich men use slaves, or people who draw water for wages); especially towards evening, when men are around the well.


Oznayim la'Torah: See Pesachim 94:


Why does the Torah repeat the word "l'Es"?


Oznayim la'Torah: Perhaps it is to hint that Eliezer was praying "l'Es Metzo" (Tehilim 32:6) for Yitzchak, which refers to a wife. 1


Oznayim la'Torah: As the Gemara expounds in Berachos 8a.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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