
What is the significance of the double expression "El Artzi v'El Molad'ti"?


Rashi: Refer to 24:7:3:1*.


Ramban (in Pasuk 7) #1 and Rashbam: Avraham was instructing Eliezer to go, not just to his land, but also to his family. 1


Ramban (in Pasuk 7) #2: "El Artzi", refers to where he was born, and "Moladti", to where he lived - both with reference to Charan.


Also refer to 24:4:1.1:2; refer to 24:4:1.1:3. But Malbim disagrees; according to Malbim (to 24:10), although Avraham had not specified that the girl be a member of his family, Eliezer later added this detail when reporting the story to Rivkah's family. Refer to 24:13:151:3; refer to 24:22:2:3; refer to 24:38:152:1; refer to 24:48:151:1; refer to 24:49:3:1.


But refer to 24:4:1.1; refer to 24:7:3.1; refer to 24:7:3:2*. See also Sifsei Chachamim.


How could Avraham instruct Eliezer to find a wife in Charan from his family - See 24:38 - rather than in Eretz Kena'an, considering that HaSh-m had ordered him to leave Charan and his family and go to Kena'an, implying that Kena'an was a better place than Charan - even than his family?


Oznayim la'Torah #1: That was before Terach did Teshuvah. But after he did Teshuvah, all the family did Teshuvah to some decree. 1


Oznayim la'Torah #2: HaSh-m commanded Avraham to go to Kena'an, not because its residents were better than the family of Avraham and the residents of Avraham's birthplace, rather, in order to publicize the existence of HaSh-m and to make it easier for his children to ultimately conquer it.


What is his source that the family did Teshuvah with Terach? Besu'el and Lavan were still great Resha'im! (PF)


Why did Avraham specify "li'Veni, l'Yitzchak"? In the previous verse, he said only " li'Veni"!


Ha'amek Davar: Here he discusses being Mekadesh her to Yitzchak. If he does not specify, it creates a Safek, even though his intent is clear (Kidushin 64b).



Rashi writes: (to 24:7) "'The land of my birth' - Ur Kasdim." If so, it emerges that in this verse, "go to my land and my birth[place]," Avraham was sending Eliezer to Ur Kasdim! (Yet, he only went as far as Charan.)


Mizrachi (to 24:7): When Avraham left with his father Terach, on the way to Eretz Kena'an (11:31), his brother Nachor remained behind in Ur Kasdim. Avraham was unaware that Nachor's family now lived in Charan. 1


Gur Aryeh #1 (to 24:7): In this Pasuk, Avraham does not mean a location, but rather his family; among whom Eliezer would find a wife for Yitzchak. Verse 24:7 refers to the time when HaSh-m brought him out of the location Ur Kasdim. 2 (At that time, Avraham's family was not yet in Charan. 3 )


Gur Aryeh #2 (to 24:7): In this Pasuk, both phrases, "my land" and "my birth" (i.e. family), are necessary. Had Avraham only specified the location, Eliezer could have taken any local girl, even a non-relative. Had he only specified the family, he could have gone to the families of Lot or Yishmael. Neither term refers to Ur Kasdim.


Gur Aryeh disagrees. See an additional answer in Mizrachi.


As HaSh-m Himself had expressed to Avraham (15:7).


Also see Gur Aryeh to 12:2; refer to 12:2:3.2:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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