What is the significance of "Dibarti Ba'ah v'Asisi"?
Radak: The decree came now, and I will do it. Do not think that it came via chance!
Malbim: I made the decree; it came; I made that the deed was already done
What is the meaning of "Lo Efra"?
Rashi: I will not cancel My decree.
Radak: I will not go back from what I decreed. Also Chazal said 'one who reads l'Mafre'a' (Brachos 15a, i.e. he recites, and goes back to what came before).
Why does it say "v'Lo Achus"?
Malbim: Chasah is compassion because there is need for the matter, like "v'Einechem Al Tachos Al Keleichem" (Bereishis 45:20). There is no need for you!
What does "v'Lo Enachem" add?
Rashi: I will not retract from My intent to do to you the evil that I said.
Malbim: I will not regret the deed.
Who judged you?
Radak #1: The judges, like it says above (23:45) "Anashim Tzadikim Hemah Yishpetu Os'hem."
Radak #2: The Goyim who will come upon you.