
Why is He called "Hashem Tzevakos"?


Radak: All of Yisrael will enter this house, and they will offer [Korbanos] only in it.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: People of the generation will be like angels. Hashem is called Tzevakos due to Tzeva ha'Shamayim (the Heavenly legion)!


Malbim: All legions of the creation are His; therefore He is Melech ha'Kavod. He is unlike a king whose honor is only via those who honor him. Since all legions are His, honor is intrinsic to Him.


This is like verse 8, but Gibor Milchamah is omitted. What is the reason?


Radak: Once the honor dwelled in Beis ha'Mikdash, it did not go out to war.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: Verse 8 alludes to when the honor dwelled among Yisrael. They dwelled serenely without war, and did not fear enemies. The honor fights for His Kedoshim! Here discusses the days of Mashi'ach - "v'Chitsu Charvosam l'Itim" (Yeshayah 2:4). There will not be any war!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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