What are the connotations of ?Ve'hayah Yereishah Se?ir Oyvav??
Ramban #1 and Targum Onkelos: ?And Se?ir will be an inheritance to their enemies.
Ramban #2: ?And Edom and Se?ir the enemy of Ya?akov will be an inheritance.
Rambam (Hilchos Melachim, 11:1): Refer to 24:17:1:3. "ve'Hayah Edom Yereishah" - 'Zeh David'; 1 "ve'Hayah Yereishah Se'ir Oyvav" - Zeh Melech ha'Mashi'ach''. 2
Seforno: ?Ve'hayah Edom Yereishah? ? And Edom will be an inheritance to the wild animals and the birds 3 ? and Se?ir, to Yisrael. 4
Targum Yonasan: And Se?ir will be driven out before their enemies.
See Oznayim la'Torah in Pasuk 17.
See Oznayim la'Torah in Pasuk 17.
See Yeshayah, 35:11.
Seforno: Since they are one of the three nations ?Keini, Kenizi and Kadmoni which will eventully be given to Yisrael ? See Bereishis, 15:19. Note: Most of the Seforno?s comments on Pesukim 18-20, which do not appear in most Chumashim, were probably omitted by the censors (Peirush on the Seforno).
Why did Bil'am mention Se?ir and Edom, which are the same nation?
Oznayim la'Torah: Because they were divided into two parts, 1 and Bil'am was now prophesying that both parts were destined to belong to Yisrael.
See Ramban, Vayishlach Bereishis, 36:6. Refer also to 24:19:2:1*.
Why did Bil?am mention specifically Mo?av and Edom?
Seforno (in Pasuk 17): Hashem will take revenge on Mo?av and Edom more than all the other nations ? through the hand of Yisrael, because they were enemies of Yisrael from time immemorial and were bad neighbors
What did Bil'am mean when he said "ve'Hayah Yereishah Se'ir Oyvav"?
Rashi and Ramban #1: He meant that Se'ir (Eisav) will become the inheritance of their enemy Yisrael.
Ramban #2: He meant that Yisrael will inherit Se'ir their enemy.
Targum Yonasan: He meant that Se'ir will be driven out before Yisrael their enemy.
What did Bil'am mean when he added "ve'Yisrael Osah Chayil"?
Rashi (in Lech-l?cha Bereishis, 12:5) and Targum Onkelos: He meant that Yisrael will accumulate wealth (succeed property-wise - Targum Onkelos).
Seforno: The downfall of Edom will enable Yisrael to ?gather strength? ? as Shem told Rivkah ? in Toldos, 25:3 ?u?Le?om mi?Le?om Ye?ematz?. 1
Targum Yonasan: He mesnt that Yisrael will amass a lot of property and inherit them'.
Refer to Bereishis 25:23:2:1.
What did Bil'am mean when he said "ve'Hayah Edom Yereshah"?
Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim: He meant that they will be slaves of David ha'Melech and give him gifts.