What does "Lo Sa'ashok S'char S'chir Ani ve'Evyon" entail?
Rashi and Targum Onkelos: It withholding the wages or delaying payment of a poor laborer.
Targum Yonasan: It prohibits withholding the wages of a regular laborer or delaying payment (or changing the agreed upon wages of a poor laborer. 1
See Na'ar Yonasan.
Having already stated in Kedoshim Vayikra, 19:13 "Lo Sa'ashok es Re'acha", why does the Torah repeat it here?
Rashi: Because whereas "Re'acha" incorporates everybody, rich and poor alike, the current Pasuk comes to add an additional La'av if the laborer is a poor man.
Bava Metzi'a, 111a: Because someone who withholds the wages of a laborer transgresses five 1 La'avin 2 1 & 2 "Lo Sa'ashok es Re'acha ve'Lo Sigzol" (Kedoshim Vayikra, 19:13); 3. "Lo Sa'ashok Sachir Oni" (the current Pasuk); 4. "Lo Salin" (Kedoshim Vayikra, 19:13); 5. "ve'Lo Savo alav ha'Shemesh" (the current Pasuk); and one Asei "be'Yomo Titen Secharo." (Pasuk 15). 3
What is the difference between "Ani" and "Evyon"?
Why does the Torah mention specifically "Ani ve'Evyon"?
Rashi: Refer to 24:14:2:1.
Ramban #2 (citing the Sifri): The Torah mentions "Ani" and "Evyon" to teach us that Hashem hastens to punish quicker on their behalf more than on behalf of others.
Bava Metzi'a 111b: The Torah mentions "Ani ve'Evyon" to teach us that one pays a poor laborer before a rich one, and an Oni before an Evyon (since the latter will not allow shame to stop him from asking for his wages - Rashi). 3
Ramban: The Torah regularly gives example that common, as we find in Mishpa3tim Shemos. 22:24 and later in the Parshah in Pasuk 19.
Since they are defenseless, and have nobody to protect them.
See Torah Temimah, note 135. See Oznayim la'Torah, who queries Rashi's reason.
Why does the Torah mention specifically a Ger (Tzedek)?
Ramban (citing the Sifri): To teach us that someone who holds back the wages of a convert transgresses two La'avin. 1
Why does the Torah add the word "bi'She'arecha"?
Rashi: To incorporate a Ger Toshav - a Nochri who [undertakes to keep the seven Mitzvos Bnei No'ach, but who] eats Neveilos.
Why does the Torah add the words "Asher be'Artzecha"?