
What are the implications of "Vezacharta ki Eved Hayisa be'Eretz Egypt ... "?


Rashi: It implies that Hashem redeemed us from Egypt to observe His Mitzvos 1 - even if it causes us a monitory loss.


Ramban: It is written with reference to a Ger, to remind us how Hashem helped 2 us when, we were Geirim in Egypt. 3


Seforno: With reference to the previous Pasuk, the Torah is reminding us how Hashem took note of our lowliness in Egypt, and entered beyond the letter of the law to redeem us. 4


As we say in the last Pasuk of the Shema.


Oznayim la'Torah: Out of compassion, and by the same tolen, He expects us to have compassion on the downtrodden and on the weak.


Ramban: Refer to Shemos, 22:20:2:2.


Seforno: As the Torah will recall in Devarim 26:7.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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