
Why does it say here "Kol Mishpechos Tzafon"? Above (1:15) it says "Kol Mishpechos Mamlechos Tzafonah"!


Radak: I explained there that Mishpechos refers to the nations, and Mamlachos are the kings. Refer to 1:15:2:1. Because it says there "v'Nasnu Ish Kis'o", it mentions the Mamlachos (kings).


Why does it say "v'El Nebuchadnetzar"?


Radak #1: This refers to "I will send", and not to "I will take."


Radak #2: V'El is in place of v'Es. This is like "Asaprah El Chok" (Tehilim 2:7), "va'Yirdefu El Midyan" (Shoftim 7:25).


Which nations are discussed?


Radak #1: It is those close to Eretz Yisrael.


Radak #2: "Ha'Eleh" refers to those mentioned below in the Parshah of a cup of wine of anger (starting from verse 15).


Malbim: Via punishing you, I will punish also all nations. Punishments come to the world only due to Yisrael. Also the Ma'arachah obligated that Nebuchadnetzar rule over the world and destroy kingdoms. The Ma'arachah teaches about the nations and Yisrael equally, only Yisrael merit to nullify the Ma'arachah. This would have lowered Nebuchadnetzar, and automatically also the nations would have been saved. Since Yisrael did not listen, the decree of the Ma'arachah will be fulfilled on all nations. Mahari says that the 70 years that they must serve Melech Bavel (verse 11) is because each of the seven stars 1 has a special number of years to influence, and the total of all of them is 70. This shows that all seven stars indicated that Nebuchadnetzar will rule until they complete their cycle 2 , and then his kingship will cease.


I.e. the seven Kochvei Leket (the sun, moon and five closest planets).


The rule of him, his son and grandson will span 70 year. Refer to 25:12:1:1. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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