Why does it say "Morashah"?
Radak: They will not capture [Eretz Amon] and go away. Rather, they will dwell there, like an inheritance.
What do we learn from "va'Yishevu Tiroseihem Bach"?
Radak: They will settle it, and build castles and palaces.
Malbim: Corresponding to your Simchah over [Churban] ha'Mikdash, they will capture your designated places for idolatry.
What is the significance of "v'Nasenu Vach Mishkeneihem"?
Malbim: Corresponding to your Simchah over [desolation of] Yisrael's land, they will put their dwellings in your land.
What is the significance of eating your fruits and drinking your milk?
Radak: This is a Mashal, like Targum Yonasan - they will consume the best of your land, and plunder your property.
Malbim: Corresponding to your Simchah over the Galus of Yisrael, they will eat your Peros, for you will be exiled.