
If the Keruvim looked down towards the Kapores, why does the Torah then say "Ish el Achiv"?


"Ish el Achiv" means that they did not face eastwards towards the Heichal but one K'ruv faced towards the north, the other towards the south (both looking downwards towards the center of the Kapores - Rashbam). 1


Refer also to 25:20:2:1.


How will we reconcile the current Pasuk "u'Feneihem Ish el Achiv" with the Pasuk in in Divrei Hayamim 2, 3:13, in connection with the Beis-Hamikdash that Sh'lomoh built, "u'Feneihem la'Bayis" (eastwards)?


Bava Basra, 99a: The current Pasuk is speaking when Yisrael fulfilled the word of Hashem, the Pasuk in Divrei Hayamim, when they did not. 1


See also Oznayim la'Torah Pasuk 20, DH 'u'Feneihem Ish el Achiv'. See also Torah Temoamh, note 24, who elaborates.


What is the significance of the fact that the wings of the Keruvim were spread upwards?


Da'as Zekenim: They were spread above their heads - symbolizing a combination of humility and fear.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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