
Who are "Anavim"?


Radak: They are those who are humbled and repent from their sins. Hashem guides them in Mishpat; He opens for them the way of Teshuvah and prepares their heart to know His Mishpatim and ways.


Radak citing R. Shlomo ben Gevirol: They reach Hashem's desire via the Midah of shame, and attain the lasting world [to come] and learn His way.


Malbim: They are people who know His way, but there are hindrances that stop them from doing what is proper, like seeking their needs and other reasons. Hashem helps them to go in the way of Mishpat, i.e. the proper path.


Why is there a Patach under the Beis in "ba'Mishpat"?


Radak: It is known, in His Torah.


Is there a difference between guiding the humble in Mishpat, and teaching His way to them?


Radak: No. The matter is repeated in different words.


Malbim: Darko is His special path - "Sod Hashem li'Re'av" (verse 14).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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