
What do we learn from "Mayim Karim Al Nefesh Ayefah"?


Yuma 77a: This shows that refraining from bathing 1 is called Inuy (affliction).


Rashi: Cold water revives a weary Nefesh.


Malbim: When one is thirsty in a place where there is no water, and they bring to him from elsewhere - so is one whose soul is weary to hear what his family or household, in a distant land, will do, and he does not know about them. If he hears good tidings of their Shalom, it returns his weary Nefesh and revives him.


77a: Do not say that it refers to not drinking. It says "Al Nefesh Ayefah", and not b'Nefesh Ayefah.


What does the verse teach about "Shemu'ah Tovah me'Eretz Merchak"?


Rashi: This is the same (it revives a weary Nefesh), like we find "va'Techi Ru'ach Yakov Avihem" (Bereishis 45:27).


Refer to 25:25:1:3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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