
What is "Mayan Nirpas u'Makor Mashchas"?


Rashi: It is cloudy due to legs [that kick up earth].


Malbim: Makor is deep in the ground. From there, the water flows to the spring. When a Tzadik falters, even though the spring is ruined, even though the spring is ruined - his influence, wealth and income - the source (his trust in Hashem, from where the influence comes to the spring) is not ruined.


What is the significance of "Tzadik Mat Lifnei Rasha"?


Rashi: When a Tzadik bends (is submissive) in front of a Rasha, and does not rebuke him, his way is hated, like a clouded spring and a ruined source [of water].


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Anavah DH Ach Mah): In humility, one must distance from being humble to Resha'im. If possible, he should take vengeance against them for Hashem's honor, and strengthen his rebuke against them, and stand against them like a roaring lion to save the Nigzal from the robber.


Malbim: When a Tzadik falls in front of a Rasha, not only is the spring clouded - also the source, his trust in Hashem, is ruined. Then they cast doubts in Hashgachah - why is Hashem silent when a Rasha swallows one who is more virtuous than himself?

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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