
How does the seller work out the balance that he must pay the purchaser, should he come to redeem the field before the Yovel?


Rashi: He divides the sale price by the number of years of harvests (excluding the Sh'mitah year) there passed from the sale to the Yovel, thereby determining how much he paid per year. Then he deducts from the sale price the value of the years that he had the field, and pays the purchaser the balance.


What are the connotations of "Veheishiv es ha'Odef"? Who gives the difference to whom?


Erchin, 30b: The Pasuk teaches us that, if Reuven sells Shimon a field for a hundred Zuz and Shimon improves the field until it is worth two hundred, Reuven may redeem it for the original price of a hundred Zuz - and we learn that it is always lenient for the seller, via a Gezeirah Shavah 'Ge'ulah' 'Ge'ulah' "Ge'ulah Tih'yeh lo" from Eved Ivri - in Pasuk 48. 1


Rashbam: "ha'Odef" means what remains ? the years up to th Yovel, which the purhser did not eat from the field.


See Torah Temimah, note 128.


Who is "la'Ish Asher Machar Lo" referring to?


Rashi: It refers to the person to whom he sold the field. If Reuven sold the field to Shimon (for a hundred Zuz - Erchin, 30b) who subsequently sold it to Levi (for two hundred Zuz - Erchin - 30b), Reuven reckons with Shimon 1 and not with Levi. Even though he is the current owner. 2


See Torah Temimah, note 129.


For reason, refer to 25:27:1.1:1. See Torah Temimah, note 131, who elaborates.


What if the value of the field dropped or rose? Does he reckon according to the current price or the initial one?


Erchin, 30a: Either way, he reckons according to the lower price ? whether it rose from one hundred Zuz to two hundred or it dropped from two hundred to a hundred ? which we learn from a Gezeirah Shavah 'Ge'ulah' 'Ge'ulah' from Eved Ivri. 1


See the Gemara cited in Torah Temimah and note 128.


What are the implicatrions of "ve'Shav la'Achuzaso"?


Sifra: The owner is only allowed to redeem the field before Yovel in order to return to his inheritance, but not to sell it again for profit.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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