When does the Sh'mitah year begin?
Rosh Hashanah, 8b: Based on the Gezeirah Shavah "Shanah" "Shanah", we learn from Eikev Devarim, 11:12, 1 that the year begins on the first of Tishri. 2
Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) word "u'va'Shanah ha'Shevi'is"?
Sifra: To teach us that (in certain regards) thirty days (one month) before Rosh Hashanah is considered a year, and that consequently, the Dinim of Sh'mitah of 'B'nos Shu'ach' (a species of white fig), takes place in the second year of the Sh'mitah cycle, 1 seeing as the fruit is only ready to pick in the third year. 2
Why does the Pasuk use the double expression "Shabbas Shabbason"?
Seforno: To add preparatory Malachos 1 to the prohibition.
Oznayim la'Torah: With reference to the two distinct kinds of Melachah that are forbidden in the Sh'mitaha: 1. improving the land (such as plowing, fertilizing and planting) 2 ; 2. reaping the benefits (picking the various fruits that grew by themselves) 3 - Therefore the Torah writes "Shabbos" in connection with the first kind of Melachah and "Shabason", in connection with the second.
What is the word "Shabbas Shabbason Yih'yeh la'Aretz" referring to?
Rashi and Seforno: It refers to the fields and vineyards - with reference to the Melachos that pertain to them, such as planting and reaping. 1
Digging pits per se (and building) are not prohibited during the Sh'mitah (Sifsei Chachamim).
Why does the Torah insert the words "Shabbos la'Hashem"?
Sifra: The Torah writes "Shabbos la'Hashem" by Sh'mitah and by Shabbos Bereishis in Yisro, Sh'mos, 20:10, to teach us that, just as Shabbos Bereishis is a testimony that Hashem created the world, so too, is Sh'mitah a testimony that He owns it. 1
See also 'ha'Torah ve'ha'Mitzvah'.
What is the meaning of "Karm'cha Lo Tizmor"?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos 1 and Targum Yonasan: It means 'Do not prune your vineyard'.
See Sifsei Chachamim. Targum Onkelos translates it as 'Lo Tichsach' - as is Yeshayah, 32:12, and in Tehilim, 80:17.
Seeing as Pruning is incorporated in planting, and harvesting grapes, in harvesting corn, why does the Torah find it necessary to insert 'Zemirah' and 'Betzirah'?