Who is "ve'Gam mi'Benei ha'Toshavim" coming to include?
Rashi: It includes the children of men from the surrounding nations who married Cana'ani women, 1 since the child's status follows that of his father. 2
Targum Onkelos and Yonasan: It includes uncircumcised sojourners who come from other countries to live in Eretz Yisrael.
What are the implications of the words "Asher Holidu be'Artz'chem"?
Yevamos, 78b: It implies that one may only purchase as Avadim the children of other nations who marry Cana'aniyos and who are born in your land, but not the children of Cana'ani men who marry the women of other nations and who come to sojourn in your land. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 228.
Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) words "Meihem Tiknu"?