
What is the meaning of "Chalnu"?


Rashi: This is like "Chil ka'Yoledah" (Yirmeyah 6:24).


Why does it say "Kemo Yaladnu Ru'ach"?


Rashi: We were close to be redeemed, but it is nothing; there is no salvation.


Radak citing his father: When a Yoledes gives birth, she knows that she was saved. However, if she [has pains as if] she is about to give birth early, and she did not give birth, this is like Ru'ach. She does not rejoice when the pain ceases, for she knows that soon she will be on the birthing stool. So in Galus, when we were saved from an affliction, we did not rejoice, for we know that another affliction will come right after it.


Malbim: The verse depicts that the birth from the great pains was Ru'ach, i.e. of Nevu'ah, Chachmah, Da'as and hope. It is the 'son' born from the pain and pregnancy.


What is the meaning of "Yeshu'os Bal Na'aseh Eretz"?


Rashi: Amidst all our suffering and afflictions, we do not prepare salvation for us.


Radak citing his father: The entire time that we were in Galus, we did not rejoice over salvation from an affliction, for we knew that another will come; the [permanent] salvations that we were promised was not done in the land.


Malbim: The Ru'ach born (refer to 28:18:2:3) was not here in this physical land. We were not saved here.


Why does it say "u'Val Yiplu Yoshevei Sevel"?


Rashi: How do the Bavliyim, residents of the land, fall? They conquered and filled the land!


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Residents of the world cannot do wonders. He explains Yiplu like "v'Niflinu Ani v'Amecha" (Shemos 33:16).


Radak: The Nochri kingdoms did not fall. That was a sign of our salvation. When they will fall, we will rise. Whenever we were saved from affliction, we did not rejoice, for we knew that the time of the [final] salvation did not come, for we did not see the kingdoms fall.


Malbim: This physical world is not the place for the true salvation. Residents of this world do not see an elevated, true salvation.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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