
What are the connotations of "Az Tirtzeh ha'Aretz es Shabsosehah"?


Rashi, Seforno and Targum Yonasan It means that the land will [rest while Yisrael are in Galus,] and appease Hashem's anger 1 for the years of Sh'mitah [and Yovel that they transgressed whilst they lived in it]. 2


Shabbos, 33a: It teaches us that for the sin of Sh'mitah Yisrael go into Galus and others come and live in their land. 3


Rashi: The anger of the land whose Sh'mitos were ignored will abate.


See Rashi in Chavakuk, 3:3. Seforno: As the Pasukl writes in Divrei Hayamim 2, 36:21.


Torah Temimah: See Pasuk 32.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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