
What are the connotations of "Es Hashem He'emarta ha'Yom" and "va'Hashem He'emircha ha'Yom" in the next Pasuk?


Rashi: It is an expression of designating or singling out; 1 'You singled Him out from the gods (the celestial powers) of all the nations to be your G-d. And He singled you out from all the other nations to be for Him a treasured nation'.


Ramban: Since you accepted upon yourselves the entire Torah, with all its explanations, its subtleties and its novelties, 'You raised and elevated Hashem to be your G-d to the exclusion of all other gods'. 2


Seforno: Refer to 24:16:1:2: Since you undertook to enter into a covenant with the oath of a curse, via which you will lose all material goodness in the event that you transgress it, 'You raised and elevated Hashem Yisbarach', demonstrating that the fulfillment of His will is of greater importance to you than all material goodness.


Rashbam: It means 'You caused (convinced) Hashem 3 to state that He undertook to be your G-d, and He caused (convinced) you 4 to agree to be His people.


Targum Onkelos, Targum Yonasan, Da'as Zekenim #1 and Rosh (both citing B'rachos 6a): It means 'You carved Him out (You made Him Unique) to be for you a G-d - as the Torah wrote "Sh'ma Yisrael ... Hahsem Echad", 5 and He carved you out to be for Him a nation' 6 - as the Torah wrote "u'Mi ke'Amcha Yisrael Goy Echad ba'Aretz".


Da'as Zekenim #2, Hadar Zekenim #1 and Rosh #2: It means 'You switched and rejected the other gods and chose Him to be your G-d, and He switched and rejected the other nations and chose you to be His treasured nation'. 7


Da'as Zekenim #3. Hadar Zekenim #2 and Rosh #3: It means 'You elevated Hashem above the other gods, and He elevated you above the other nations'. 8


Da'as Zekenim #4 and Rosh #4 (both citing Targum Yerushalmi): It means 'You crowned Hashem to be your G-d'. 9


Moshav Zekenim (citing Rashi in Tehilim 94:4): It means 'You praised Hashem'. 10


Gitin, 57b: It means that we swore to Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu never to exchange Him for any other god, and He swore never to exxhange us for any other nation. 11: Torah Temimah: It means 'You acquired Hashem ... ' 11 .


Rashi: This is a Lashon of glorifying - as in Tehilim, 94:4.


Refer also to 26:18:1:1.


Rashbam: By accepting His Mitzvos.


Rashbam: By means of the miracles that He performed.


Divrei Hayamim 1, 17:21. See Torah Temimah, note 82, who elaborates.


This is like "Yis'amru Kol Po'alei Avon" ? (Tehilim 94:4) ? they switch their words and do not uphold their words.


Like the Pasuk in Yeshayah 17:6 "be'Rosh Amir" and in Tehilim, 94:4 . "Yis'amru Kol Po'alei Avon" - 'They elevate themselves amidst haughtiness'.


In Arabic, a king is called an 'Amir'.


Moshav Zekenim: Like "Yis'amru Kol Po'alei Avon" ? They boast (praise themselves) when they succeed.


"From the Lashon Ma'amar - which Chazal use in connection with the Kidushin of a Yevamah.


What is the difference between "Laleches bi'Derachav", "Lishmor Chukav u'Mishpatav", "Mitzvosav" and "Lishmo'a be'Kolo"?


Ramban #1: "Laleches bi'Derachav" - refers to doing what is good and right in the Eyes of Hashem; "Lishmor Chukav u'Mishpatav" - to keeping the Chukim and Mishpatim; 1 "Mitzvosav" refers to all the other Mitvos Asei and Mitzvos Lo Sa'aseh, and "Lishmo'a b'Kolo", to commands outside of the Mitzvos.


Ramban #2: "Mitzvosav" refers to the Mitzvos Asei, and "Lishmo'a be'Kolo", to the Mitzvos Lo Sa'aseh.


Refer to 4:5:1:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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