
How did Rivkah hear what Yitzchak said to Esav privately?


Targum Yonasan: She heard via Ru'ach ha'Kodesh.


Refer to 27:5:151:1; refer to 27:5:151:2.


Why does the Torah add "l'Havi" (to bring) after the words "la'Tzud Tzayid"?


Rashi: In spite of his father's warning, he decided that, in the event that he would not succeed in catching a deer, he would steal an animal and bring it to Yitzchak. 1


Ha'amek Davar: She understood that he will hunt now, and not bring from what he already trapped. If not, there would be no time for her plan!


In fact, the Midrash tells us, when his efforts to hunt venison failed, he slaughtered a dog and brought it to his father. Refer to 27:30:2:1.


Why does it say "Shoma'as" (present tense)?


Ohr ha'Chayim: She was a Navi and always heard Yitzchak, even when he did not talk to her.


Ha'amek Davar: She always used to listen when Yitzchak spoke to Esav, lest it pertain to Yaakov. This is why it says "Beno"- she listened to matters pertaining to the father-son relationship.


Why does it say "Yaakov Benah"?


Ohr ha'Chayim: The Torah constantly calls him her son, to show that he is from her nature - the good ways of a Tzadik. Esav is not due to her; he is the filth of Kedushah after it is purified in the fire of Gevurah of Yitzchak, as is known to those who know mystical matters. Esav is also due to her brother Lavan, but not due to her.


Ha'amek Davar: She loved him like a son.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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